14:175#Electric Acupuncture
Electroacupuncture Neuromuscular Stimulator Advanced uses electrical stimulation technology to improve nerve and muscle function, combining comfort and efficiency in treating a wide range of health conditions. This innovative device relies on generating targeted electrical waves that are delivered to the body via adhesive electrodes, providing effective nerve and muscle stimulation. With six different waveforms and six independent outputs, the device provides a comprehensive and flexible experience to meet different physical and sports therapy needs.
Benefits of Neuromuscular Stimulation (EMS)
Enhance muscle strength and improve performance
The device stimulates muscle fibers by passing low-intensity electrical currents through the tissue, resulting in continuous muscle contractions similar to those that occur during exercise. This type of stimulation helps strengthen muscles and improve their performance, making it useful for people who suffer from muscle weakness due to lack of activity or injuries. It also helps athletes enhance muscle strength and speed up recovery after intense exercise.
Relieve chronic and acute pain
Thanks to advanced electroacupuncture technology, the device helps relieve chronic pain such as back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as muscle pain resulting from stress. Electrical stimulation disrupts pain signals sent from the nerves to the brain, reducing the sensation of pain and providing a comfortable feeling. This device is used in many medical conditions that require non-drug pain relief, such as arthritis and muscle pain.
. Improve blood circulation and enhance recovery
Electrical stimulation helps dilate small blood vessels and increase blood flow to affected areas. This effect is useful in accelerating the recovery process after injuries or surgeries, as it enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to damaged cells, stimulating the healing process. This stimulation also helps reduce swelling and inflammation associated with muscle injuries.
Muscle relaxation and stress relief
The device stimulates the muscles in a way that helps reduce muscle tension, leading to relaxation of the entire body. This aspect makes it ideal for people who suffer from stress and fatigue caused by office work or incorrect physical postures. The device can be used as part of a daily relaxation routine to relieve muscle spasms and improve body flexibility.
Improving nerve function
The device relies on electrical nerve stimulation to improve the response of the nervous system in the targeted areas. This type of stimulation helps improve communication between nerves and muscles, which is beneficial for people with impaired nerve function due to nerve injuries or chronic diseases. Nerve stimulation can also contribute to improving motor coordination and enhancing overall body performance.
How EMS works
The electrical nerve and muscle stimulation (EMS) device relies on generating electrical pulses that are directed to the muscles and nerves through adhesive electrodes placed on the skin. These electrical pulses stimulate the motor nerves responsible for muscle contraction, simulating natural physical activity. These pulses are designed in multiple waveforms to suit different needs, whether the goal is to strengthen muscles, relieve pain, or improve blood circulation.
Six waveforms
The device provides six different waveforms, allowing treatment to be customized based on the desired goal. These waves include:
Intermittent wave: Helps stimulate muscles intermittently to promote muscle relaxation after periods of stress.
Continuous Wave: Used to stimulate muscles continuously to strengthen muscles and increase endurance.
Pulse Wave: Helps reduce pain by stimulating nerves with mild, alternating currents.
Compound Wave: Combines multiple waveforms to stimulate muscles and nerves simultaneously to enhance neuromuscular interaction.
Progressive Wave: Used to gradually increase the intensity of stimulation to effectively stimulate large muscles.
Alternating Wave: Alternates between high and low intensity to stimulate different types of muscle fibers and improve blood circulation.
Six Independent Outputs
The device provides six independent outputs that enable targeting multiple areas of the body at the same time. This feature makes the device ideal for multiple treatments in one session, as muscles in the legs, arms, and back can be stimulated simultaneously.
Therapeutic Uses of the Device
Rehabilitation after injuries
The device is an effective option for muscle rehabilitation after injuries or surgeries. It can improve muscle strength and flexibility in the affected areas, helping to restore movement and endurance faster.
Improve Sports Performance
The device is commonly used among athletes to improve muscle endurance, as it provides additional muscle exercise through electrical stimulation without the need for significant physical effort. This helps to strengthen muscles and increase endurance.
Muscle Massage
Thanks to its multiple massage modes, the device provides an effective way to relieve muscle tension and stress after a long day or intense workout. It can help improve relaxation and promote overall comfort.
Additional Features
Clear Digital Display: The digital display comes to clearly display settings and options, making it easy to customize the treatment for each user.
Multiple Modes: The device has adjustable modes to suit different needs, whether for muscle strengthening, pain relief or relaxation.
Compact and Portable Design: Thanks to its small size and ease of use, the device can be easily carried and used anywhere, whether at home, in the office or while traveling.
The Electroacupuncture (EMS) nerve and muscle stimulator is an advanced tool for treating and improving muscle and nerve health thanks to its effective electrical stimulation technology